If your organisation hasn’t prioritised your employee’s mental health since COVID, then your business will get left behind!
Mentally Well Workplaces (MWW) urge businesses to rethink employee wellbeing in light of the ongoing pandemic and take a whole organisation approach to mental health.
As the innovators of Australia’s first online mental health inductions, Mentally Well Workplaces are urging for an ongoing commitment to the mental wellbeing of Australian employees during this current mental health crisis. Mental wellbeing is more than just a personal responsibility, and employers can no longer afford to think mental health issues will not manifest in their workplace.
“We are urging employers to act now in ensuring all staff understand mental ill health signs and symptoms and how to speak with a colleague who might be struggling,” says Mentally Well Workplaces Co-founder and Director Sally Healey.

COVID19 has been a time of momentous transformation for the mental health of all Australians. A survey conducted by global data company, YouGov, revealed 56% of Australians fear the impact of lockdowns on mental health, and half know someone whose mental health has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. These statistics leave little doubt that empowering Australia’s workforce with pertinent mental health awareness should be the priority. Yet, businesses continue to make the same mistakes when it comes to looking after their greatest assets: their people. The next chapter in employee mental health is here, and it’s called the Mental Health Induction.
Co-founder and Director Patrick Page, says, “we are seeing a phenomenal spike in requests for mental health programs and training for remote and in-house workers, fuelled by lockdown anxiety, COVID fatigue and burnout. The businesses that are implementing wellbeing initiatives should be applauded, however,
the organisations who continue to brush their employee’s mental health under the carpet and dismiss this as just a passing phase, are the ones that I fear for the most. Employees will vote with their feet and will look for employers of choice who have established wellbeing programs.”
After careful consideration from listening to their clientele, the Brisbane-based start-up developed a service that can add true value to the mental health training that’s out there. Workplace mental health training isn’t exactly a new concept in the modern workforce, but before now it’s been too focused on those at the top.
“In our experience, it was primarily managers and supervisors who attended the Mental Health First Aid training. We were concerned that employees at the lower end were missing out on what we know is really vital mental health training,”
- Co-founder and Director Sally Healey.
“In our experience, it was primarily managers and supervisors who attended the Mental Health First Aid training. We were concerned that employees at the lower end were missing out on what we know is really vital mental health training,” says Co-founder and Director Sally Healey.
Creating affordable, effective mental health training was the main goal of Mentally Well Workplaces and now, with four induction courses on offer, there’s no excuse for businesses not to act.
You can learn more about making a start on employee mental health in your business by downloading our free Psychological Health and Safety eBook and action guide right here!